
We obtain the bees in our apiary from multiple sources. We have purchased Italian and Russian bee stock and breed those genetic characteristics into our colonies. We also augmented our apiary with captured local feral colonies. Using natural wild bees and selected bred bees gives us a nice strong apiary population. All our colonies are registered with NYS Department of Agriculture.

We offer northern bred queens and overwintered Nucleus Colonies for sale at the form store. Don’t buy bees through the mail, or colonies that are shipped up from down south. Don’t sit around waiting for the bees you ordered without any word from the breeder. Unlike the majority of large bee breeders, we treat our bees as living creatures instead of a commodity and our customers as real people, not a paycheck. Our goal is to have a hive of bees in everyone’s back yard. Reach out to Kris to discuss purchasing some bees.

The geographical characteristics of our farm are perfect for bees. We have a nice murky swamp for water, which the bees love. We also have mile and miles of fields with wildflowers and natural growth forests. Our bees collect a nice mix of pollen and give us a light sweet wildflower honey.

We hold introduction to beekeeping classes several times a year. This course has a classroom component and hands on time in the bee yard. Times and dates very depending on demand so reach out to us for exact information. Veterans always attend classes for free.